To underscore our commitment to total customer service GFF Brokers strives to provide total pricing transparency, so you know exactly what to expect, without surprise fees or hidden extras. View our table below for our features, fees, and service descriptions.

General Account Fees & Inclusions

Feature Fee Description
24-hour* Live Support Free *Available via chat, email or phone between Sunday 1:00 PM PT until Friday 3:00 PM PT. Please note that availability may vary, particularly during observed holidays. Hours are subject to change without notice.
Technical Support Free Our in-house technical support department available to assist you at no cost.
Order Desk $5+ For call-in orders, $5 per contract with a maximum of $25* per ticket.
Wire Transfers (In) Free* There is no cost to wire funds into your trading account.  *There is a fee for rejected wires for AMP accounts; see below.
Wire Transfers (Out) Varies There is a fee for all wire transfers out; this fee varies depending on FCM & FDM (see below for pricing details for each FCM & FDM).
Check Withdrawal (Out) Free* There is no charge to withdraw funds from your account when requesting funds to be sent as a check. *Special delivery and multiple checks in a calendar month fees may apply; fees apply for Phillip Capital accounts.
Check Deposit Free* *There is a fee for returned/bounced checks; this fee varies depending on FCM & FDM.
Daily Statement Free* Daily statements are available through your FCM. For more information on how you will receive your statements, please contact our office. *For select FCMs, fees may apply for print or duplicate statements. Contact our office for details.
Monthly Statement Free* Monthly statements are available through your FCM. For more information on how you will receive your statements, please contact our office. *For select FCMs, fees may apply for print or duplicate statements. Contact our office for details.
Margin Call $50* If your account goes below the necessary margin for a contract you are actively trading, your account will be charged a margin call fee of $50 per contract. Any open positions that do not meet the Exchange Maintenance Margin Requirement 15 minutes before the market close will be subject to margin call and liquidation. *Additional margin call fee may be charged by the FCM. (Futures accounts only)
Liquidation Fee $25-$50* If you have not met your margin call and we are forced to liquidate your position, a liquidation fee of $25-$50 per contract will be charged to your account. Any open positions that do not meet the Exchange Maintenance Margin Requirement 15 minutes before the market close will be subject to margin call and liquidation.  *Additional liquidation fee may be charged by the FCM.  (Futures accounts only)
Conversion Fee Varies If you deposit funds into your account in a currency other than US Dollar, your FCM may charge you to convert from the foreign currency to USD and from USD to foreign currency.  The daily conversion rate is determined by the FCM and their bank.  If you have foreign currency in your account, you should contact your broker to determine if such fees will apply to your account.
Inactivity Fee Varies Minimum monthly activity require for accounts through select FCMs & FDMs.
Maintenance fee $10 Monthly Account Maintenance Fee applies to all funded accounts regardless of account activity in the month.
Platform fee Varies Platform fee varies depending on FCM & FDM; contact your broker for pricing prior to platform activation.
Market Data Varies Professional and non-professional rates may be available. Fees may vary depending on clearing firm, contact your broker for details.
Data Feed Varies Fees may vary depending on clearing firm, contact your broker for details.
Other Varies Please contact your broker for more information on your particular account type.

Futures Trading Accounts | Additional FCM Fees

Amp Clearing – Description Fee
ACH Withdrawal (Next Day – 4pm CST Delivery – Domestic only) Free
Wire Withdrawal (Domestic & International) $30
Incoming Deposit: Wires | Checks | ACH Free
Returned Check Deposit (NSF) $75
Check Stop Payments | Wire Recalls | Returned Wire $30
Currency Conversions $30*
Additional Trader (User) Log In: $10 per month
Block Allocation $1 per contract
Electronic Daily & Monthly Statement Free
Mailed Monthly Statement $30
Reproduction of account statements $30
Electronic Trading Audit Detail Log $30

*Some Currency Transactions to meet margin calls or exchange rate transactions made at the customer’s request will be charged a fee as stated below:

When moving money between Reg. coded accounts such as your US trading account (Reg. code 01) and your foreign Reg. coded accounts such as (03 for US or foreign customers respectively) there will be a charge only for moves that involve different currencies. This means that when moving funds of the same currency there will be no charge. These funds may need to be moved in order to meet margin calls within your account that occur in one Reg. code. Even though the total balance of your separately coded accounts is large enough to not receive a call, United States regulation requires that we actually move the money between Reg. codes to meet the call. When these funds are moved inside of your account between Reg. codes we may have to convert currencies in order to do so and there will be a charge associated for that service. For those traders only trading US exchanges and transacting only in domestic (US) currency there will never be a charge for this service. The same applies to traders always trading a foreign exchange and having all funds traded within that Reg. code. Therefore, charges apply to accounts which have funding spread across multiple Reg. codes and which trade multiple exchanges, whether foreign or domestic.

Dorman – Description Fee
Incoming Deposit: Wires | Checks FREE
Wire Transfer Out (Domestic) $30
Wire Transfer Out (Euro / International) € 40 / $40
Returned Check $50
Check – Standard Delivery Free
Check Stop Payment $50
Auto-Liquidation on account using Rithmic datafeed $35 / instance
StoneX (GAIN) – Description Fee
Incoming Deposit: Wires | Checks Free
Wire Withdrawal – Domestic $25
Wire Withdrawal – International $35
Check – Standard Delivery Free
Liquidation Fee $50 per contract
Check Stop Payment $50
Bounced Check Fee $25
Incoming Account Transfers Free
Outgoing Account Transfer $50
Deliveries $30/contract
Retender Fee $250 plus $30/contract
Purchase/sale of T-Bills $25
Monthly Inactivity Fee (charged after 3 months of no trading) $15
Ironbeam – Description Fee
All incoming deposits Free
Wire Transfer Out (Domestic) $40
Wire Transfer Out (International) $60
Check Issued (Domestic or International) Free
Check Issued Overnight (Domestic) $40
Check Issued Overnight (International) $60
Deliveries/Retender Up to $250/contract + delivery costs*
Risk Liquidation $50 per contract
Stop Payment/Insufficient Funds/Returned Item Fee $45
Account Transfer In Free
Account Transfer Out $100

Ironbeam charges fees such as exchange, clearing, brokerage and commissions that may change from time to time.

*Certain fees on contracts may exceed $1000.

Phillip Capital – Description Fee
All incoming fees Free
Outgoing wires, any currency (incoming no charge)** $25
Outgoing paper checks, standard (Delivery 2 weeks, limit $100,000.00) $4
Outgoing paper checks, overnight $20
Bounced checks (deposits) $30
Resend check (stop payment) $25
Transfer between segregated (US) and secured (foreign) Free
ACH (cleared after a minimum of 5 business days)*** Free
Paper trade confirmations & statements $2.50/ca
Replacement trade confirmations & statements $5/ea
Incoming Account Transfers Free
Outgoing account transfers – Partial/Full $25/$50
Deliveries and re-tender (plus costs passed through) $100 flat free, $10 per contract, $250 cap
Exercise or assignment of options on futures contracts Standard Commission Charge
Currency Conversion Free
Debit/Deficit interest rate**** Prime +2%
Account Closure Fee up to $100

*PhillipCapital reserves the right to substitute an ACH for a check withdrawal at its discretion (no fee will be assessed).

**Bank Details must be on file or payments can be delayed.

****PhillipCapital accrues in interest on a daily basis for each currency and each origin and posts actual interest once a month. Debit interest applies when you have a negative equity and/or margin deficit in a currency and origin; the formula used to calculate debit interest amount is as follows: Debit interest = (equity – IMR) *(debit interest rate/100) * (1/360).

Forex Trading Accounts | Additional FDM Fees

Gain Forex US – Description Fee
Incoming Deposit: Wires | Checks Free
Check – Standard Delivery Free
Check – Overnight (US only) Fedex $15
Wire Transfer Out (US/International) $25
Inactivity Fee (after 12 months*) $15/month
Bounced Check** Free
Stop Payment*** Free

*After 1 year of non-trading, you would be charged a monthly inactivity fee of $15.00 per month.  Once you enter a trade or close a trade at any lot size the inactivity would be reset.

**Bounced Checks cost:  There is no fee for bounced checks or eChecks.  However, a bank statement will be required in order to proceed with trading on your forex account.

***Stop Payments cost:  You would not be charged a stop payment fee if you reissue another check unless it is for overnight delivery.  Unfortunately, if you were to request overnight paper check delivery and you request for a stop payment, that $15.00 overnight delivery fee will not be compensated.

If you have any questions call us toll free:

844-896-7432 Toll Free (USA/Canada only)
1-818-510-4590 Local/International

Or contact us via online chat or through our contact form.